Myths or Facts

The Christmas Myths...

There are many popular myths on every festive celebration. On 25th December, we are going to celebrate Christmas. Here are some explainations on the traditions that we used to practise during these festive celebration.

Hanging stockings during Christmas Eve?   

The story started as there was a poor man with three daughter. They were of the age to be married but because he was poor, he couldn't afford their dowries. One night, one of the daughters washed their clothes and hung it out in front of the fire place to dry. Saint Nicholas, who took pity in the plight of this poor man, threw 3 bagful of gold through the chimney into the stockings.

From then onward, children from all over the world continued the tradition of hanging Christmas stockings in hope that Saint Nicholes, or Santa Claus would leave some goodies in their stockings too!

Santa Claus?

Who is this santa Claus? Here is one of the most popular version. Santa Claus is a man wealthy man named Nicholas, born on the third century in a place now known as the Southern coast of Turkey. Nicholas used his whole inheritance by donating money and gifts to the poor. Therefore, the lore of Santa Claus who gave presents to children, who throughout the year being "good" child during Christmas is born.

Santa Claus in Red?

In 1920's, Coca-Cola advertisement depicted Santa Claus in their Christmas ads and campaigns in red as we would see him today, white bearded, red suited man with big belly and a jolly laugh.

Decoration for the Christmas Trees?

Once upon a time, people used to decorate trees outside their house each winter and found out that the trees has lost their leaves and the spirits living in the trees have been abandoned them. Furthermore, they worried without the trees-spirits, The trees will never grow leaves anymore. Therefore, to encourage the trees grow leave and stay alive, they dressed these trees up with colourful strips of cloth. During spring time, the trees grew leaves again and since then this was taken as their traditions. 

In German, they started the custom of bringing in a small fir trees into their home and to continue with the tradions, they added strings of bead and colorful sweets, gingerbread and fruits into the trees as to keep the trees-spirits happy.

Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer?

Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer was a creation of a Ward Company department store operator's employee in the year of 1939.  During this year, the company decided to choose one of the their employees to create a children colouring book to save money. Usually the company used to buys and distribute children's colouring books as Christmas gifts every year to their customers. Robert L. May, 34-year-old, wrote the story of Rudolph and 2.4 millions copies of the colouring books were handed out that year. Another 6 million copies were distributed by 1946. In 1947 and until now, this story of Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer was printed out commercially.

The story become a history and was well much-loved. Even then, a song was also available for nowadays, Rudoph become a Christmas wellknown icon.

Kissing under the mistletoe trees?

The mistletoe was used by Druids in their winter celebration. It is believed that those who kissed under the mistletoe will gain happiness and good lucj in the following years. This was practised many ancient traditions ago. The reversed the plant because it has no roots but still remained green during the cold month of winter. 

The ancient Celtics believed these plant have magical healing powers and used it as an antidotes for poison, infertility and to ward off evil spirits. The plant was also symbolised peace due to the Scandinavians associated the plant with their goddess of love which these practise of kissing under the mistletoe started.

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