My Lesson Plan 1 & The Rationale

Lesson Plan ( 30 min )

Class : Year 6                                 Enrolment : 39                             Time : 8.00 – 8.30am
Subject                                 : English Language                  
Theme                                  : World Of Personal Relationships  
Topic                                    : Be A Good Child
Focal Skill / Knowledge Skills : Reading
Skills                                    : 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy children’s song , rhymes and
                                                       jazz chants
                                              2.6.1 Recite simple poems and chant jazz chants with
                                                       expression and appropriate gestures.
                                              3.4.1 Read aloud poems and sentences correctly ,
                                                       observing  correct stress and intonation and
                                                       sentence rhythm.
Previous Knowledge              : Pupils have learnt commands or instructions such as ‘ Do
                                              not walk on the grass ’ , ‘ Do not litter ’.
Key words                            : From the reading text ( preferably words from the suggested                                               reading list )
Learning Outcomes               : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
                                              1. read aloud poem ‘Be A Good Child’ correctly , observing
                                                  correct pronunciation, stress and intonation in groups.
                                              2. recite the poem ‘Be A Good Child’ with expression and
                                                   appropriate gestures.  
                                              3. list out good behaviours from the poem such as ‘Shared
with the one who needs it’ , ‘Don’t waste time , follow the
rules’ .

Thinking Skills                        : comparing and contrasting , making associations and
Multiple Intelligence                : musical intelligence , interpersonal
Moral Values                         : love , respect and moderation
Educational Emphases           : learning how to learn

Step / Time
Skills / Knowledge
Teaching-Learning Activities
Note / Resource
Step 1 ( 10mins )
Shared Reading

Set induction
( 3 mins )

( 7 mins )
Listening , speaking
and reading

Thinking skill :
Comparing and




1. The teacher sings a song ‘I 
    am a good child’ together 
    with the pupils.

2. The teacher displays a poem
‘ Be a Good Child’ written   
on a big cardboard on the  

3. The teacher recites the poem
    with correct pronunciation ,
    stress and intonation.

4. The pupils recite the poem
    after the teacher has
    explained the poem.

5. The teacher guides the pupils
    to elicit good values from the
Focus :
poem ‘ Be A
Good Child’

Song ‘I am a
good child ’

musical intelligence

Step 2 ( 15 mins )

Focused Word
(Teaching Points)
Listening and speaking


1.The teacher recites the poem
again with expression and
appropriate gestures.

2.The pupils get into the
    groups( mix boys and girls).

3. Each group practises  for their
    poetry recitation.
4. Each group recites the poem
    in front of the class. Other
    groups will evaluate their

interpersonal ,
Step 3 ( 5 mins )

Listening and

Thinking skill
Making association
and connections

1. The teacher asks pupils to list
 out good behaviours from the


Appendix 1
Set Induction

Song   : I Am A Good Child ( Happy Birthday )

I love my family
I love my teachers
I love all my friends
I am a good child

                                                                                                                                             Appendix 2

Poem : Be A Good Child

Stanza 1
Dearest child, Mama has always taught you well
there are things to be remembered
and rules to be obeyed
don’t forget the good values that I’ve said.

Stanza 2
Throw the rubbish into the bin
this can make the compound clean.
Don’t litter everywhere
this shows that you care.

Stanza 3
If you have more than what you need
share with the one who needs it.
At all time , keep this in mind
you’re loved when you’re kind. 

Stanza 4
If you have unkind words to say
wait till your anger goes away.
For , if you hurt others every day
you’ll  be sorry all the way.

Stanza 5
Listen to your teacher ! Don’t be rude !
Do your homework! Read your books !
Don’t waste time , follow the rules.
Be nice, polite and you’ll be good.


Topic               : The topic that I have chosen is “ Be A Good Child ” which is a poem under the theme “ World of personal relationships ”. Pupils like to recite poem. Reciting poem is one of the good strategies to master the reading skill. This topic offers a meaningful and effective context for the class to learn the language skills and moral values in an integrated manner. The thinking skills are also developed and sharpened gradually through this lesson.

Specifications : The following specifications 1.6.1, 2.6.1, 3.4.1 are integrated into  this lesson plan. The language skills: listening, speaking and reading are blended. They are related to previous lessons taught.

outcomes        : Learning outcomes in this lesson are closely related. The strategies planned are within the students’ abilities. By the end of the lesson, they will be able to recite the poem with correct pronunciation, stress, intonation, expression and appropriate gestures. Besides, they are able to list out good behaviours from the poem.

Stage 1            :  First, I teach pupils to sing a song “ I am a good child ”. It can make a joyful atmosphere in the class. Next, I display a poem “ Be A Good Child “ written on a big cardboard on the board. I recite the poem with correct pronunciation, stress and intonation to let pupils know the correct technique to recite. Then, I explain the meaning of the poem to the pupils so that the difficult words will not be a hindrance to the pupils to recite later. Then, I guide the pupils to recite the poem. After reciting, I guide the pupils to elicit good values from the poem.
Stage 2            :  Referring to the poem, I recite the poem again with expression and appropriate gestures. Then, I divide the pupils into 5 groups and instruct them to practice reciting the poem in their groups. It is a good way to train the pupils to work in cooperation. After a while, every group recites the poem with correct pronunciation, stress, intonation, expression and appropriate gestures by turns. The pupils are instructed to evaluate their friend’s presentations. It is an opportunity to let pupils appreciate the poetry recitation of others.

Stage 3            :  Before ending the lesson, I ask the pupils to list out the good behaviours from the poem. Through this stage, I inculcate the pupils with the moral values.

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